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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 12, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday october 12th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." nationwide frustration for thousands of passengers mysterious technical glitches could force another day of delays for southwest airlines. president obama looks ahead to his final year in office. part of his "60 minutes" interview you didn't see last night. north korea gives western reporters a show. see why seth doane was told he may never be allowed to go back! we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> this is about intaed i'veas bad as i've seen it. >> long day and long lines. >> we might go to the bar and drink!
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>> attack troubles for southwest. >> the airline has been set with a major computer glitch. >> agents checked in a lot of their passengers by hand. >> air passengers in las vegas, the engine caught fire right before takeoff. tomorrow, the democratic presidential candidates meet in their first debate. >> president obama says hillary clinton made a mistayke b using a private e-mail server. >> maybe she could have handled the situation better and disclosures better. >> reporter: mistake is a focus of ankara attack. >> the l.a. dodgers chase utley suspended two dams games on a hard slide that left ruben tejada with a broken leg. >> winds so powerful, it lifted up a u.s. post office semi uc trk. >> caught newspaper a rip current in ventura, california.
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>> several people rescued and taken to the hospital. >> all that. >> he still has it. former president george h.w. bush threw out the opening pitches before the astros game. >> eli. the back of the end zone. and it is caught for a touchdown! >> unbelievable. >> the giants pull one out of the hat. >> all and that matters. >> if you expect 5,000, you get five. it shows that somebody someplace along the line made some sort of a serious miscalculation. >> let me say this. >> it's an embarrassment. >> look. no doubt that it cannot work. >> on "cbs this morning." >> can you tell us what the total number of trained fighters remain? >> we are talking four -- four or five. >> that is not not only enough guys to destroy isis but probably not enough to destroy a six-foot party sub! >> announcer: announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota, let's go places. ♪
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welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment so anthony mason is with us. great to have you here. >> happy columbus day. >> passengers across the country could face travel chaos because of a mysterious computers glitch. southwest airlines declined hundreds of flights and long lines stretched long last night. >> it is telling the passengers to print your boarding tickets at home and arrive at the airports early. ktvt, our reporter is there at love field in dallas where southwest has its corporate headquarters. good morning to you, arzo. >> reporter: the airline says it has teams across the country working to help customers and get the problem fixed. but as you can see, there are long lines and they're building quickly. >> we have been in this line for probably about 20 minutes and just about at the beginning of the line now. this is about as bad as i've seen it. >> my flight got cancelled.
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>> reporter: this morning, southwest airlines computer system is down and using backup servers due to a nationwide computer glitch. passengers were being checked in manually and issued handwritten tickets. >> what are you going to do? the computers are done. nothing we can do. everybody else is in the same situation. >> at los angeles international airport, police tweeted a photo of long lines that snaked past the southwest desk and warned the public to avoid delays. arrive early. >> there were people sitting down on the floor when we started because they haven't moved in hours. >> reporter: the airline took to twitter on sunday and apologized for the problem with some passengers responding glad i'm not flying southwest today. and others offering their appreciation for the airline's hard work. the airlines said about 450 flights were delayed on sunday. passengers were told to arrive at the airport at least two hours early and to print and bring their boarding passes to the airport to help minimize delays. the computer issues also
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affected balanceggage handling. the airline issued a statement said while team work to enforce our technology our employees are working with customers on their individual itineraries and we apologized for the extra effort and delayed arrival of passengers and their baggage. this technical glitch is the most recent to disrupt air travel in recent months. >> i guess that is today's life. everything is internet and online and it is what it is. i'm not happy about it but hopefully, they fix it up. >> reporter: southwest is not commenting on what actually caused this technical glitch or how long it will take to fix it. >> thank you very much there in dallas. president obama is defending his administration's failed bid to train syrian rebels this morning to fight against isis. in his "60 minutes" conversation with steve kroft the president said the u.s. will keep
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searching for partners on the ground. he also said he had doubts about the training program that the pentagon is now changing. >> reporter: if you were skeptical of the program defined and identified trained and equip syrians why did you go through the program? >> well, because part of what we have to do here steve, is to try different things because we also have partners on the ground that are vested and interested in seeing some sort of resolution to this problem. >> reporter: and they wanted you to do it? >> well, no. that's not what i said. i think it is important for us to make sure that we explore all of the various options that are available. >> reporter: i know you don't want to talk about this. >> no. >> reporter: i want to talk about this program because it would seem to show -- i mean, if you expect 5,000 and you get five, it shows that somebody someplace along the line made some sort of a serious miscalculation. >> steve, let me just say this. >> it's an embarrassment. >> look. there's no doubt that it did not work.
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and one of the -- one of the challenges that i've had throughout this heartbreaking situation inside of syria is that you'll have people insist that, you know, all you have to do is send in a few truckloads full of arms and people are ready to fight. then when you start to train the equipped program and it doesn't work, then people say, well, why didn't it work? or if it had just started three months earlier, it would have worked. >> reporter: you said yourself you never believed in this. >> steve, i said that surprisingly enough it turned out that in a situation that is as volatile with as many players as there are inside of syria there aren't any silver bullets. >> the president insisted the u.s. won't get involved in a military campaign on the ground. you'll hear more from the interview in our next hour including the president explaining how he plans to act more freely during his last 15 months in office. the death toll from twin
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bomb attacks in turkey's capital ankara rose to 230 this morning. they say isis is the prime suspect in saturday's explosion but important to know that isis has not claimed responsibility for the deadly blast. turkey is a key ally in the region and the country is looking increasingly unstable ahead of national elections next month. holly williams is in istanbul. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the turkish government said today it's close to identifying one of the suicide bombers. this country's worst terrorist attack in its modern history has left turkey grief-stricken but also angry. hundreds of people were holding a rally for peace. when instead, two explosions left carnage on a city street. arms and legs were flying up into the sky, said this man. two of my friends were killed, but i survived.
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the attack follows an upsurge in violence between the turkish government and militants from turkey's kurdish minority. sparked by a suicide bomb that claimed more than 30 lives in july, hundreds of people have been killed on both sides. and the turkish government have launched air strikes on kurdish militant camps. as kurdish politicians try to lay flowers at the scene of the attack yesterday, there was a confrontation with police who said investigators were still working at the site. the turkish prime minister said that kurdish militants and isis were possible suspects. but nobody has claimed responsibility and many of the mourners believe that turkish government is to blame because they say it stood up unrest ahead of national elections next month.
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turkey has arrested around 40 suspected isis militants since the attack. but it's not clear if there is any link to the bombings. just three weeks from an election in which kurdish voters will play a decisive role the mood here in turkey is tense, with many fearing more violence. gayle? >> thank you holly williams reporting from istanbul this morning. iran's judiciary says this morning a court has convicted a "the washington post" reporter who has been held more than a year. jason resaian was charged with espionage and other crimes. they call this outrageous justice and says there will be an appeal. the post says the end to this process leaves iran senior leaders with an obligation to write this grievous wrong. donald trump and hillary clinton are still the clear presidential front runners, according to the latest cbs news poll. trump has a six-point lead nationwide over his closest republican contender ben carson and clinton is leading bernie
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sanders nationally by four points. >> the first democratic debate is tomorrow night. julianna goldman is in washington tracking the democratic race. >> reporter: hillary clinton is way ahead of the four other democrats running for president. but the cbs news poll shows that when vice president joe biden is put in the mix, her lead shrinks slightly. in the run up to the debate two of clinton's opponents previewed some of their attack lines. >> from day one, i opposed the keystone pipeline. >> reporter: democratic presidential candidate senator bernie sanders and former maryland governor martin o'malley zeroed in on front-runner hillary clinton's views on foreign policy and attacked her shifts in position. >> secretary clinton is always quick for the military intervention. i believe that a no-fly zone right now is not advisable. >> reporter: colon's 2002 vote for the iraq war and last week's announcement she was breaking with the obama administration and now opposing the 12 nation
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transpacific trade deal had sanders urging voters to do the math. >> people will have to contrast my consistency and my willingness to stand up to big corporations with the secretary. >> reporter: clinton is still fighting back against inquiries into her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. in "60 minutes" interview with steve kroft, president obama said his former secretary of state made a mistake. >> i can tell you that this is not a situation in which america's national security was endangered. >> this administration has prosecuted people for having classified material on their private computers. >> well, there is no doubt that there have been breaches and these are all a matter of degree. we don't get an impression that here there was purposely efforts on -- to hide something or to squirrel away information. >> reporter: vice president joe biden spent the weekend in delaware with family. he is expected to decide whether to launch a white house bid any
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day now. >> vice president, everyone wants to know -- >> get out of my way, will you? >> reporter: cnn says vice president biden can still participate in tuesday's debate. one reporter even tweeted out a picture of the just in case podium number six if he shows up at the last minute. anthony, part of the reason he is deciding soon is that florida, new hampshire, and texas have filing deadlines that start in november and december. >> julianna thanks. our new poll shows that two outsiders republicans trump and carson well ahead of the rest of the field. ted cruz in third place with just 9% support. cruz is followed by marco rubio, jeb bush and carly fiorina but there is new concern that the republican disarray on capitol hill could hurt the party's presidential chances. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. congress left town for a week without any resolution on who will hold arguably the most powerful position on capitol hill. an aide to wisconsin's paul ryan
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tells me that over the weekend, he listened to all of the calls from people begging him to get into the speaker's race but that, so far, he has not changed his mind. >> right now i'm going to make it home for dinner. >> reporter: he may have left washington, but ryan can't escape the desperate pleas from republicans who lead their fractured party. >> it will be hard for people to confront paul ryan and say he is not a good republican. >> reporter: the current house speaker must sometimes compromise with democrats. according to the new cbs news poll just 23% of republican voters approve of the job john boehner is doing. >> the republicans never win. >> reporter: the party's presidential front-runner was lukewarm on ryan too when he sat down with "face the nation" john dickerson. >> you would be okay with speaker paul ryan? >> boy be okay. i would be okay. they have a couple of people in there really tough and really smart. >> reporter: house republicans are dealing with new recommendations that the house
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committee is too focused on hillary clinton and the state department. >> this has become a partisan investigation. >> reporter: in a civil complainant, a former committee investigator and air force reservest named bradley podliska accuses republican leaders to pressure him to focus his investigation on secretary clinton. >> i was fired for trying to conduct an objective nonpartisan thorough investigation. >> reporter: but in a statement, the committee's chairman trey gowdy, aggressively denied podliska's claim saying he was focused on clinton and that podliska was told to stop. southern flooding continues this morning a week after the historic storm. the death toll stands at 21 in the carolinas. 27 dams have failed. 129 are in jeopardy. and more than 300 roads and prijs remain closed. flood warnings remain in effect this morning in parts of the
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state. david begnaud is in andrews, south carolina where communities are surrounded by water. david, good morning. >> reporter: norah, good morning. this is the seventh morning the sun is rising over andrews, south carolina with homes still submerged in water. others like the one i'm on right now, the water is near the roof. here is good news this morning. within the last 36 hours, the water seemed to have dropped about 3 to 4 feet but it is still 15 to 20 feet in other places. over the weekend, a new round of heavy rain lashed south carolina. some parts of the state got as much as 6 inches of rain and it soaked areas already saturated with flood water. no significant damage was reported recovery efforts have been slow throughout the state. the community of big dam is completely surrounded by flood water. 15-year-old hunter byrd and his father daniel are one of many volunteers trying to help the 275 people who have become cut off.
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what are you using the boat to do? >> i'm hauling people back and forth. essentially a taxi and hauling food and supplies. >> reporter: for days boats have been the only way in or out of big dam. >> if it wasn't for him and his boy we would have been in trouble. >> reporter: really? >> yeah. >> reporter: how bad was it? >> worse than this. see the trash on the road right there? that is how high the water was. >> reporter: this doctor and her team have been bringing medication and medical supplies into the community. it is an island. on sunday she needed a boat to make her house calls. >> amazing because i drive this road all the time to do my home visits to patients that live out here and there is no road. >> reporter: buried under 15 feet of water. >> exactly. >> reporter: as for the community of big dam, volunteers are going back in there this morning with food water, and medical supplies. again, they are cut off. haven't been able to leave home for the last seven days though, yesterday, gayle some of them did go by boat to church.
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>> wow. that says a lot, david. i see looking at at the pictures while you're on the roof but please be careful! that is scary stuff! a big scare for some allegiant air passengers. flight 516 was heading from las vegas to fresno, california with 166 people on board sunday afternoon. wished the flames on the aircraft while passengers still on board and many wondered why the allegiant crew reacted like moog nothing had happened. >> we have no problems. everything is fine. be with you in two more minutes. >> they are hosing down the plane! >> there was a large, loud boom kind of shook the plane briefly and almost immediately, the pilot applied the brakes really hard and the plane just came to a really quick stop. >> we should say that no one on the board was hurt. allegiant passengers described
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the incident -- the airline officials rather described the incident as a mechanical issue. i love when people say everything is fine but there is a fire truck outside. a little nerve wracking! yikes! a dodgers hard slide knocked the mets shortstop out of the playoffs. ahead, the new punishment for chase utley and the debate over whether
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see what happens when we try to go off the beaten path in north korea. >> we are trying to talk to people about coming to a dolphins show. >> yeah, i know. you have to go. you want this to be your last trip? >> reporter: last trip saying if we interview people we can't come? >> can't come. you're being too rude. >> wow. seth doane inside fler.north korea. he is watched at every turn. >> the news is back this morning
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on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by fastsigns. more than fast. more than signs. i really like this organic soup. yeah. at least we know what he's eating. campbell's organic soups.
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hurry, offer ends october 26th. ahead, the famously private billionaire charles koch opens up about political power and the threats on his life. tomorrow workers from a texas blue bell ice cream plant linked to deadly
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♪ russian president vladimir putin got an unexpected soaking after he presented the trophy at a race car on sunday. he got caught in the bubbly cross fire. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up, major league baseball says this slide in the metro/dodgers playoff game deserves a suspension. it's the most controversial play of the postseason so far. hear why some players say this is dirty, dirty, and others say it is good baseball. billionaire charles koch usually lets his money do the talking, but the republican megadonor talked to anthony
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about his political goals and why he is not a special interest. that is ahead. this morning's headlines. "the washington post" reports it's likely no increase in the annual cost of living adjustment for social security benz. millions of people will than affected. the third time in 40 years this will happen. low gas prices are dragging down the inflation rate. >> reporter: there is a new cyberarms race. countries are stockpiling of malicious codes. they are even destroying centrifuges. they have units dedicated to hacking and 50 countries use hacking software for surveillance. tour reviews of the deadly shooting of tamir rice by cleveland police. they say the shooting was tragic but it was reasonable. surveillance video showed an officer firing on the
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12-year-old boy within seconds of arriving at the seen last year. the officer believed that rice was armed. rice was carrying a toy gun at the time. the reviews are the first of many the county prosecutor plans to release. he is preparing to hand this case to a grand jury. the des moines register reports on a hot lotto scammer rigging other games. eddie tipton was found guilty in 2010. lottery officials say he fixed other drawings in 2005 and 2007 and that helped his brother and a friend win more than a million dollars in lotteries from wisconsin and colorado. the "new york post" reports on tight end daniel fells of the giants fighting to save his foot in a battle with a mrsa infection. fells is hospitalized after five surgeries. mrss is resistant to many oiks and more surgery may be needed to avoid amputation. giants coach tom coughlin says the team dedicated its win last
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night to fells and his family. chase utley of the los angeles dodgers is appealing a suspension this morning for a play that baseball fans are arguing about from coast-to-coast. in california many say that utley is being unfairly punished for a good hard slide in saturday's playoff game against the mets. but new yorkers are calling him a bum, bum, for breaking ruben tejada tejada's leg on take play. the two teams head to new york now. don dahler is at citifield where game three of the series is being played tonight. something tells me, mets fans will be ready. >> reporter: good morning. for new york mets fans, their weekend playoff game against the dodgers fit the cliche adding insult to injury. baseball says the umps got it wrong and when the dust cleared the mets had not only lost the game, they also lost their shortstop. >> there is one. back. a double play. >> reporter: chase utley slammed
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into second base attempting to break up a double play but he ended up breaking ruben tejada's leg instead. it led to a dodgers victory and on sunday night major league baseball suspended utley for two games. >> i don't agree with chase utley. i hate the play. ns co iidert a dirty play. >> this is baseball. guys have been doing this over a hundred years and taking guys out. >> what is done in the 1890s should change. >> reporter: baseball purist argue sliding hard into second base is just part of the game and historically that is true. >> there really is no place for a takeout slide there unless you're trying to injure the infielder. >> reporter: but major league baseball wasn't letting history set the precedent on this one. in 24 hours, the league pivoted from a noncall to a suspension. >> i can't worry about what has happened in the past. i just based it on what i saw and the fact that, you know we're trying to have rules that is going to keep these players
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on the field. >> reporter: cog hlan is going after him. >> a cubs base runner attempted to break up a double play here but 36-year-old chase utley said he never intended to hurt tejada. >> again there was no intent to injure ruben whatsoever. >> our organization is the proud of the way chase plays and love the way he plays. we are behind him 100%. >> reporter: but the mets don't see it that way. >> he plays hard. i've done my fair share of takeout slides and never done anything like that. >> reporter: chase utley's agent says they are appealing the suspension and he called it outrageous. we are likely to hear a ruling on that suspension before tonight's game. anthony? >> don dahler at citifield, thanks, don. >> that rematch will be interesting to watch tonight. >> utley will not likely be in
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the game because there was conversation the mets might troo to throw at him. >> anthony, when i said maybe he is going too fast he couldn't stop, my head was removed by the crew like that was a stupid thing to say. i don't know he is going very fast. >> the more you look at that slide, the more it looks less like a slide. >> i notice he bag when he was sliding. >> small problem. it was late it was too high and it was just off. >> another big story, your interview. the koch brothers are among the nation's best known politically active families. the billionaire's network of political action committees and advocate groups will spend 300 million on their compare. he talked about the controversy that comes with money and influence. do you think it's good for the political system that so much what is called "dark money "is falling into the process now? >> what i give is dark.
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what i give politically, that's all reported. it's either to pacs or to the candidates. and what i give to my foundation is all public information. but a't want to take the kind of abuse that i do. they don't want these attacks. they don't want the death threats. so they aren't going to participate if they have to have their names associated with with it. >> reporter: do you think it's healthy for the system that so much money is coming out of a relatively small group of people in. >> if i didn't think it was healthy or fair i wouldn't do it. what we are after is to fight against special interests. >> reporter: some people would look at you and say you're a special interest. >> yeah. but my interest, just as it's been in business is what will help people improve their lives and to get rid of these special interests, that's the whole thing that drives me. >> reporter: there are people out there who think what you're trying to do is essentially buy
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power. >> what i want is a system where there isn't as much centralized power, where it's disbursed to the people and that is everything i advocate points in that direction. >> we have much more from our conversation with charles koch in our next hour. how the man who often puts money behind republicans, actually finds himself agreeing with president obama on one issue ahead. >> he is in disagreement with president obama and democrats on a number of issues. >> in fact, he worked very hard to try to beat president obama in the last election. what really drives him, he says is he wants an economy that doesn't have government subsidies and thinks that corrupts business and he wants anyone to limit regulation because he thinks that drives. he is one of the most congenial and drivable men in politics. >> i like the congenial part. look forward to what you have next hour anthony.
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north korea puts on a huge show of strength in front of international journalists. see what our seth doane did to prompt a threat that he could be banned from the hermit kingdom. if you're heading out the door, set your dvr to watch "cbs this morning" any time you'd like. ♪ he hear the competition is tough ♪ fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out
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around $269 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. ♪ ♪ former apartment buildings in glasgow, scotland were scheduled for demolition. two of the buildings remain partially standing. crews will have to use machinery to finish the demolition job. this morning, we continue our rare look inside north korea. leader kim jong-un says he is ready to fight, quote, any kind of war waged by the u.s. a massive parade marked the 70th anniversary of the ruling workers party. the spectacle in pyongyang featured drones among other things.
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seth doane got a look to that openness but it didn't extend to the rest of his trip. >> reporter: north korea wanted the world, america in particular to see its military parading through pyongyang this weekend. this is saber rattling on a very grand scale. leader kim jong-un took a swipe at the u.s. saturday saying his country stood ready to defend itself against america if provoked. but to get foreign journalists to cover this, there is a dilemma, what to do with them after the parade finishes. well, there is always the dolphin show. yes, the dolphin opportunity to show apparently middle class north koreans enjoying themselves but with my government assigned minder sitting just over myer
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shourlt, it felt shoulder, it felt like a force the distraction in this state accused of human rights abuses there was plenty of questions to be asked about life here but you cannot ask those questions during a dolphin show and apparently not afterwards either. so can we talk to some people? >> no no. >> reporter: i just want to talk to some of the people who came. >> no time. >> reporter: we don't have time? outside, we tried again. how did you like the show? until our minder lost his patience. what? we are trying to talk to people about coming to a dolphins show. >> yeah, i know but we don't have much time. we have to go. if you want this to be your last trip, you do it. >> reporter: last time? we interview people we can't come to north korea? >> you can't come. >> reporter: back on the bus, pyongyang passed by and its citizens out of reach. now they are taking us to a performance of a rock band but they say all we can shoot is the instructor of the building here
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37 after that show, there was yet another. this one, we were allowed to shoot. it was undeniably impressive. it featured thousands of performers on a massive stage on the water. but there was a sense that the government was trying to run down the clock until our journalist visas expired today. for "cbs this morning," seth doane, pyongyang, north korea. >> very unique way of controlling the message, isn't it? >> i think they were worried the dolphins might say something dangerous. >> yeah. >> might say something inappropriate. >> seth has done an incredible job. >> you're right to point that out. he is okay. hope that doesn't change. a water spout in florida leaves behind damage and debris. ahead the mail
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♪ look at that funnel cloud tearing up the skyway! look at the dust! >> a water spout that formed near a tampa bay bridge caused some serious damage yesterday. water spouts may form over water and have tornado-like winds. this one crossed into the street, hitting a u.s. mail tractor-trailer before losing it. what do you think happened to all of the mail that got blown away? so if you paid some bills and wondering what happened. >> some of the bills headed my way were in that truck. >> sent something or received something. >> forget that letter. >> a city councilman checks up on local police officers who fire a taser at him. the any confrontation that is raising questions about a police department's conduct. that is ahead here on "cbs this morning." ♪
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♪ it is monday, october 12th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news including start of president obama's "60 minutes" interview you did not see last night. why the president says he is not worried about his last year in office. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> southwest is notme comgntin on what actually caused this technical glitch or how long it will take to fix it. >> hillary clintons i way ahead. cbs news poll shows when vice president joe biden is put in the mix her lead nkshris. >> 40 suspected isis militants since the attack but it's not clear if there is any link. andrews, south carolina homes still submerged in water. others like the one i'm on right now, the water is near the roof. >> everything is fine. we will be with you in a few more minutes.
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>> i love when people say everything is fine but there is a fire truck outside. >> baseball say the umpsot g it wrong and when the dust cleared, the mets had not only lost the game, they also lost their shortstop. can we talk to some people? wait. i want to talk to some of the people who came. >> no. no time. >> reporter: we don't have time? congress left town without any resolution on who will hold arguably the most powerful position on capitol hill. >> kevin mccarthy, who can blame him for not wanting the job? look. here is a picture of current sperg speaker of the house john boehner when he took office four years ago and here is boehner today. >> ready, 7. cue norah. i'm norah o'donnell. gayle king and anthony mason with me. charlie is on assignment. you know the halloween jokes are coming. today the democratic president candidates are getting ready for tomorrow night's first debate. hillary clinton will be front
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and center. the latest cbs news poll finds 46% of democrats nationwide support her. bernie sanders has 27% and vice president joe biden who is not even in the race is polling at 16%. >> hillary clinton's lead is bigger if biden stays out of this contest, the poll also finds she leads in another category. 61% of voters said clinton was not honest and trustworthy and that number was almost as high for the republican frontrunner donald trump. >> so much talk about campaign 2016 but president obama has more than a year left in office. he told steve kroft on "60 minutes" there isn't enough time to change everything he wants but he is not worried about it. here is part of that conversation you didn't see last night. >> reporter: are you looking forward to your last 15 months? >> i am. there's a lot of work that remains to be done and there is a certain liberating quality of not being on the ballot again.
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you're not worried as much about how something plays. and i said in another interview, and i meant it, the nice thing about being a veteran in anything is your fear kind of goes away. you know? you're not worried about something not working. you're not worried about whether or not folks approve something in the short term. and -- and so you're loose, and you're able to i think, draw on your experience. you can see around corners. you can anticipate reactions. you know what is important and you know what is not important. you don't sweat the small stuff. so, in many ways there's no doubt i'm better at this job now than i was when i started. >> reporter: right. >> and -- >> reporter: how much -- you know now what you didn't know
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before? >> exactly. which is always important. >> reporter: right. >> you know what you don't know. and you also had a sense of how to make sure your team stays focused. so i'm very much looking forward to the next 15 months understanding there is going to be a bunch of big challenges. when i take out that checklist that i made for myself before i took this office you know, the vast majority of things i've gotten done or made progress on but there are going to be a few areas where, you know, we didn't get over the finish line and that will be frustrating. and there are going to be problems, like a syria, that you want to have solved, and it's an issue that will span presidencies and in the case of middle east, perhaps generations. and so there will undoubtedly be regrets and a sense of missed opportunities in certain areas.
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but that's not something i'm worried about day-to-day. each day i wake up and i think how can i get something done? it turns out there is a whole lot you can get done in the fourth quarter, as i said before. >> there is more from steve kroft's interview with the president you haven't seen and you can watch it at 60minutes this morning altercation between a police and young texas security councilman is raising questions about the force in a small community. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: jonathan --
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>> joo out of his >> reporter: out of his apartment to check on friends at waller county jail. >> reporter: the police officer's taser struck city councilman jonathan miller in the back and knocking him off his knees. the cell phone video was taken but win of his friends. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i'm telling you, this is her scene. back off. you're interfering. >> reporter: miller who appears to be unarmed is asked to step away from his friends as they e ar questioned bay feemal officer. the next minute things escalate. >> i'm not saying nothing. >> go ahead and do what they say. put your head behind your back shra. >> reporter: miller spent the night in jail charged with resisting arrested and interviewing with public duties and later treated at the hospital with a back injury. >> everything is fine and we told you that but you tried to
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get involved. even your frat brothers were telling you everything is okay. >> reporter: the 26-year-old says he did nothing wrong and was just checking on his fraternity brothers. >> i feel like it escalated to a situation where i was tased and it shouldn't have came that far. >> reporter: this is the second time in three months that this police department a has received national attention. the female officer on scene for miller's arrest was also linked to the july arrest of sandra bland, helping transport her to jail. bland was later found hanging in her cell in an apparent suicide. the prairie view police chief is defending his officers' actions and we tried to contact the police department on sunday to get an yun date and unable to reach them. as far as we know none of the officers are on leave. as for miller, he was released from jail on friday. >> omar thank you. >> you got to remember there are two sides to every story, i get that, but that video is very hard to watch because he is clearly on his knees. at one point they say the female
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officer, she said i know who he is and he on his knees. >> i think the body cameras will point out what is happening there. new law on farm animals could affect your health pr
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ahead, mireya villarreal shows us how children could be leaping to their feet. >> reporter: you might notice something is different in this california classroom. coming up we will tell you why this school wants to be the first in the country to get rid of all of their chairs and why some doctors say other schools should be doing the same. ♪ ♪ i'm still standing yeah yeah ♪
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to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this morning, california is home to the nation's toughest
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laws dealing with antibiotics given to animals that people eat. governor jerry brown signed the bill on saturday. >> 80% of antibiotics used in this country are not taken by humans to fight disease, but to help farm animals grow bigger and faster and that is fueling the rise of antibiotic resistance in people including the threat from superbugs. our dr. david agus is in los angeles. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> how do antibiotics in animals threaten human health? >> it's an amazing story. 1946, an observation was made that if you give low dose antiboix to cows and chickens and pigs they grow bigger so farmsers been doing is every since so 80 percent of the antibiotic usage in the united states and that allows the drugs to become resistant. they can spread through the water, air and insects and animals to human touch and make us sicker. >> what does the craft law do?
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>> california law is fantastic and starts to say you can only use antibiotics when an animal is really sick instead of using it to make them bigger and tolerate the unsanitary conditions at some of these farms, so it ricketts the use to when it's needed. >> do you think other states will follow suit? >> california is one of the biggest agriculture states and sets the leads maybe at times for the environment and hopefully in this case. farmers can do whatever they want and by starting to make it mandatory, it's a fantastic change that puts health over profits. >> so how do you think this will change our health? >> well, antibiotic resistance, super bugs are becoming a major challenge. and so in europe they banned this in 2006 and a decrease in the super bugs and the hope is the same happens here in the united states. >> there is clinical evidence there could be a reduction in that? >> evidence in europe that
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several super bugs have gone down. >> we did a report on daniel fells who has something called mrsa. how is that connected to this? >> mrsa is a bun of theone of the bugs that got a standard identical. he has one that is hard to treat and invadeing his bone and ankle. the hope he won't have to have part of his leg removed but we don't know. in january of this year we have a new antibiotic class that can actually attack some of these bugs. but the key is to prevent antibiotic resistance from happening, and governor jerry brown took a major step forward in this case. >> is mrsa contagious? >> yes. if we itch it can go underneath the skin or in his case, a
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shot. but we need to prevent it. >> thank you doctor. we take you to a school with standing desks are helping students burn calories and improve grades. that's next on "cbs this morning." and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c'mon let's sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? (all) no. that's why i'm reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who's had chickenpox? scoot over. and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. talk to your doctor or pharmacist. about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles.
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♪ companies across the country are raising employees desks and
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ditchinging traditional work spaces. we have a standing desk in the newsroom. they are so popular the white house understand 700,000 dollars to buy desks for the presidential staff. the presented is moving from the office to the classroom. mireya villarreal went to a california school that will soon be the first in the country to have standing desks everywhere. >> we are going to lie down. >> reporter: at this elementary school in san rozelle, california. >> our fans are here my friends. >> reporter: motivating students to move is more than just their morning routine. it's an all-day commitment that starts with these standing desks. >> it gets your legs working so you're not like i can't move because you get stiff. >> reporter: their favorite feature is the aptly named fidget bar. >> it makes me concentrate
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around without wiggling in the chairs. >> reporter: the last three schools will be diverted by the end year with standing desks. >> i'm excited for them and thrilled that we found a way to make them more excited about school. >> reporter: the principal tracy smith said students initially got more tired standing all day but then they became more productive in the classroom. >> reporter: to see them not sitting still does it make it more difficult for the teachers? >> i think it takes an adjustment. if uned the purpose behind the movement, which i think my teachers do they are 100% behind it. >> reporter: studies show allowing kids to move through the day improves grades up to 15% and helps kids burn up to 25% more calories. dr. steven middleman says there isn't data of the long-term effect of kid using standing desks, but the physical benefits are immediate. >> you increase your muscle tone
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in your legs. there seems to be an improvement in actually circulation and ar arterial function and extending a few calories extra every hour could lead to big changes. >> reporter: but those big changes can come with a big price tag. it can cost up to $6,000 to convert a single classroom and why some classrooms are experiencing with other alternatives like yoga balls and exercise bikes for read and write programs or bands like these to keep kids active. >> we definitely have our work cut out for us in terms of getting donations and funding for this. >> reporter: juliet starret who started the program at one school hopes to keep her movement going and she won't let costs get in the way. >> our mission is to get every kid in public schools standing in ten years. >> reporter: she started stand-up kids and working with individual to raise money with donations. her goal? a $1 million fund that would will help teachers to apply for
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grant money to improve their classroom. >> that is my goal to have the federal government take notice at least to a minimum when a new school is built, it's a given that standing desks are the norm. >> reporter: while it may take time to catch on around the country, these kids are proud to be taking a stand. >> standing too long is the new -- >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," mireya villarreal. >> i like how she says her name. i think that swinging bar is nice for the kids to have. >> i missed it. i was walking back. >> anthony i think that little swinging bar that the kids have is really nice. >> i like the little stool personally. >> i think standing is a great idea. >> i do too. i bet they look forward to lunch. i think it's a really good idea too. something to think about. billionaire
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♪ oh, they are coming. and he is throwing. barnidge and caught! he's got that one between his legs, kevin. check out this. >> no -- >> i don't ever touches he ground. >> it did not! >> what an incredible play by the tight end. >> look what i got. >> may be one of the nfl catches of the year. cleveland brown's tight end gary barnidge brings in an 18-yard touchdown catch with his feet. somehow he is able to keep the ball from touching the ground. he hat presence of mind to roll into the end zone once the ball is in his hands. the play helped cleveland beat baltimore 33-30. did he practice that catch? >> look at that guy. >> it's pretty awesome. >> he has knees for hands! i wonder if tony gonzalez can do that! welcome to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour i mentioned tony gonzalez because there he is in our green room! tony gonzalez, can you catch a ball with your knees? >> i can certainly try.
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>> well said. >> you see him every sunday on "the nfl today." he is a likely future hall of famer. he is in our toyota green room. why? he has a past to promote his football glory. charles koch gives hundreds of millions of dollars to help republicans but one issue put him on the same side as president obama. we will explain ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "time" reports on donald trump facing possible legal trouble for using a popular aerosmith song on the campaign trail. ♪ ♪ >> representatives of front man steven tyler sent trump a cease and desist letter to stop using their song "dream on." it's not a personal issue they say. tyler is a registered republican but doesn't like4"? the unauthorized playing of his
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property. the last woman in the armies rangers school will likely graduate on friday. jasper is expected to become the third woman to do that. a mother of two children. two other women graduated in august. rangers school was open to women for the first time in april. glad to see them passing the test. >> we really are. go major lisa! rb cbs honolulu affiliate reports on a man rescued after five days on a damaged sailboat. the coast guard reached the 28-foot catamaran on sunday. the man had been running low on supplies but he is expected to be okay. >> good news. the sacramento bee reports on california banning the use of redskins. a term that many native americans find offensive. governor jerry brown approved a law that stops schools from use redskins as a mascot or team name. the change affects four high schools and it will be implemented in 2017 but teams
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can keep that bearing the name if they did it before then. overtime kicker mike nugent of cincinnati boosts a field goal that hits the left field goal but it's still good going through the uprights for the winning three points. neil de grasse tyson pointed the earth's rotation probably pushed the ball just enough to the right to hit the goal pests and go through. the bengals won 27-24. >> that is if the earth's rotation norah. >> okay. >> hmm is right. "the new york times" reports on the movie about a young peter pan who stars hugh jackman as the pirate. the numbers are not so great. it costs 150 million dollars to produce. the movie joins a list of other big budget flops this year which includes "tomorrow land" and "fantastic four." >> just because it's one weekend, does that mean it's a
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bomb? give it sometime. >> may be going to the movie never, never land. koch brothers are two of the biggest and most controversial names in the industry in politic and worth 32$43 billion each. charles coach said if his money has bought him influence, it has also bought him distain. you effectively made yourself a target. >> i get a lot of death threats. i'm now on al qaeda hit list too. it's pretty scary. >> reporter: it incident stop you. >> no. i decided long ago i'd rather die for something than live for nothing. >> reporter: today, charles koch lives in this wichita home with his wife of 42 years liz. he is the ceo of second largest private industry in the country koch industries which makes everything from stainmaster carpets to fertilizer, and
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refined up to 600,000 barrels of oil every day. what was the vision that you had for this company? >> the way to succeed long term is not to think how do i maximize profits, but how do i -- or how do we maximize the value we create for others? >> reporter: that vision which koch lays out in his new book "good profit," drives him both professionally and politically. in the '70s, he cofounded the libertarian think tank the cato institute to promote his free market philosophy and advocates a radically reduced government with limited regulation and no subsidies. do you distrust government? >> no. the government is a social agency of coercion. that sounds bad but we needs coercion. beyond that the government should be doing things where
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cohesion works better than competition. >> that is a tough judgment call. >> but the burden of proof needs to be on the government. >> reporter: he and his brother confirmed committees and add advocacy groups. the kochs and their donor network will spend 300 million dollars during this election cycle and most in support of republican candidates. >> first of all, i want to build a wall. >> reporter: koch says he dislikes the tone of the presidential debates and disagrees with many of the candidates on immigration. >> we need to reform our immigration policy letting everyone in this country who is going to make the country better, and let in no one who is going to make it worse. >> you got the naacp and the koch brothers. >> reporter: and in a surprising alliance, the koch's who spent heavily to try to defeat president obama, have now joined
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the white house in calling for criminal justice reform to reduce prison sentences for nonviolent offenders. >> where some poor kid in the inner city smokes a joint and goes to prison and ruins his life. we have the president who is more privileged who smoked a joint and becomes president, we have a candidate who admits smoking a joint and he is running for president. where is the justice in that? >> reporter: on the left though the koch's political spending has made them a symbol of corporate villainy. >> if the kochs and cassidy wins, louisiana loses. >> reporter: but charles koch remains committed to his original intent. >> my goal was to get more and more people to understand what makes their lives better what fair what is a just society. >> reporter: has that proved more difficult than you thought? >> are you kidding? it's hard to save the world when the world doesn't want to be saved. >> reporter: koch told me he is not, for the moment, backing any specific presidential candidate.
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but the candidates are still going out of their way to attend seminars and conferences backed by the koch brothers because they want those contributions. >> absolutely. a lot of money, indeed. >> a lot of different sides he had. i was surprised. i learned a lot in that piece. >> that noinanthony mason is good. >> oh, shut up. >> keep talking. tony gonzalez is sharing his story of making it in pro football. he is very good too! the nfl today analyst is in our toyota green room coming up next. we will take a look at the "thursday night football" and a
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no, i can't wait until the end of the week to see the doctor. because of... rabies. i was, i was, in the i was saving some children from a coyote and it bit me. well, what would you have me do just let the children die. don't, hey don't tell me how rabies works. i know, i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'm just scared because i'm, i've never foamed at the mouth before. hello. miss. find and book a doctor when you need one with zocdoc.
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♪ ♪ tony gonzalez is considered one of the nfl's most outstanding tight ends. for 17 seasons he played for the kansas city chiefs and the atlanta falcons. a new documentary on show time "play it forward" shows him on and off the field. >> his older brother chris captured draft day before tony joined the kansas city chiefs. >> come on. come look over here. check this out. >> free booze. >> free booze! >> talking about six hours to know what team you're playing for. you never feel that you're going to be a millionaire at the age
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of 21. >> come on chris, follow me. >> here? >> yeah. check this out. bags! >> who gave you that? who gave thaw? who dat? >> check it out. >> anthony gonzalez. >> isn't that sweet? >> very sweet. tony gonzalez is an analyst for "the nfl today" right here on "cbs this morning." good morning. >> good morning. >> listen. because football was really chris' dream, not your dream. i'm wondering as pointed that documentary was was it painful for the two of by the time it was over? >> no. you mean going through the whole process or just the process of going to the nfl? >> no. when the documentary ended for you and chris. >> our relationship after the documentary was shot i was telling you, that we stopped talking for about a year and a half. >> why?
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>> that surprised me. >> it surprised me too. some things -- maybe it was a result of us not having anything else in common. maybe it was all of those years like, hey, football was kind of our bond and all we ever talked about so now what do we talk about? i don't know if it's like going through a divorce or something or go nesters when the kids leave the house but for years we weren't getting along and it's a process. also it's a journey about what kind of relationship we wpt from each -- want from each other. this is my road dog. he lived with me. >> i taught you this road. >> he taught me everything. >> you say at the beginning of the film you hated football. he loved it and he lived it through you? >> yes. he was my biggest confidant and my know guy. people talk about you have all of these yes guys around you. he was that guy. i always tell young guys surround yourself with somebody that you respect their opinion. when they tell you you're not doing it the right way, that
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you'll listen to them and chris was that guy for me. everything we went around there nation around the world, he was always looking out for me and he sacrificed his life. i didn't always recognize that and 'cha that is what i've gotten back to and maybe he said that -- that's what he said one of his complaints about me was, like, you never recognized what i've done. i guess on live television, i do recognize what he has done and maybe it's taken me a long road to get to that point but i love everything that he has ever done for me. >> you also say he was a good player but he had a car accident which is why he was unable to play but he was a good player too. >> he was an outstanding football player. had the car accident when i was 5 and he was 7 and we were crossing the street. for whatever reason, he grabs me by the hand and says let's go across the street and i'm only 5. i don't care what is coming but i held back and he went out there and got hit. that kind of -- he broke his leg. he flew 50 yards, unconscious and that kind of set him back
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obviously as that young of an age. he turned out to be a very good football player and went through division 2 scholarship but he was always that coach for me. >> another person who was influential to you and i found this really moving was your stepfather. when evers sick and in the hospital, you took a tape recorder to the hospital about every day. >> uh-huh. yeah. it's because i knew that we didn't have too much more time with him. and, obviously, it was a sad time. but, at the same time, i wanted to pick his brain and ask him, you know, give us advice. because he was such a wise man. he came in my life when i was around 12 13 years old. and for what the sacrifices that this man made are huge. and not just us, me and my brother. we also have adopted brothers that came into our home and he was a father to all of us. i miss him. >> i love that you thought of doing that because i think everybody regretted not doing something like that.
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>> we talked about that at this table before. charlie has talked about it. you should go and interview your parents and have a tape recording of that because it's so moving in this documentary. what about your family? your family now. talk about your kids. one of them is playing football and your gorgeous wife. >> she's there. >> love playing football? >> my oldest boy is 14 now. he is playing football pop warner. we have the little girl. she is playing a lot of tennis. they plays tennis every day and the next serena williams. no pressure. my boy river and we just adopted a little baby girl. >> wow! >> my wife's sister had some problems so we are going -- we took her daughter in sophia and she has been with us five months and she is 9month-old now. >> do you think your oldest boy really wants to play football? i'm thinking about you who didn't care about the game. do you think nicco wants to play or does he think i'm tony gonzalez's son? >> at this point, he better want
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to play! i told him, i have sat down and told this kid, look. don't ever do this because it's something that i've done and don't feel any pressure. you go out there and have fun with this game and we were talking about this. i stopped coaching him because we were like this butting heads, trying to coach your kids, i don't recommend that! >> how are you and chris today? >> we are good now. we are on the road to recovery. it took a lot of yelling and screaming and then some therapy. >> therapy? >> i'm very open about that because just like in the film, it's very candid. there is nothing pulled out of there. it's exactly how it happened. and right now with my brother, i think it's a good example of for siblings out there that don't talk to each other on. in the film my stepdad, he talks about families and everything. you do whatever you can for it. that's what we had to do. put our money where our mouth is and work this out for our family's sakes because we had a beautiful relationship. >> pop said family is
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everything. good luck, tony gonzalez. interesting to watch what goes on behind the scenes in family. you never know. "play it forward" is name of it and premieres on show time which is a division of cbs. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ selling 18 homes? easy. building them all in four and a half months? now that was a leap. i was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. and i knew i could rely on american express
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